100 Life Goals & Dreams

It’s important to have some accountability in one’s life. One should aspire to achieve their dreams and life goals and give themselves a sense of purpose. I’ve been reading a lot of self-help books over the past year and it has helped and motivate me immensely in trying to steer my life in the right direction. The thrill and excitement of accomplishing one of my goals recently (running my first half-marathon) gave me so much energy to try to achieve as much as I can before I move on from this life.

I hope my readers are inspired by my own personal journey and I encourage strongly for everyone to create a list of their own and to keep track of their progress.

Have fun and enjoy!

Started this list – December 2nd, 2013

Updated List – May 9th, 2014 – no longer wants to become a teacher. Trying to start a full-service production company.


1. Own my home
2. Get married
3. Become a father
4. A career that earns $65,000 – $100,000 annually.
5. Adopt a dog


1. Get my masters degree
2. Learn to speak a third language fluently
3. Read the entire Bible
4. Be proficient in math
5. Re-learn Vietnamese


1. Buy my parents something big and extravagant
2. Take my mom out on a son/mom date
3. Take my father out on a bonding session
4. Go on a cruise with sisters
5. Travel to several countries with my immediate family


1. Direct my first feature length movie
2. Publish my first book
3. Publish my first e-book
4. Learn how to play guitar
5. Perform a stand-up comedy routine
6. Play a small role in a movie
7. Have a speaking role on a television show
8. Learn to be a good dancer
9. Create a YouTube video that hits 1 million views
10. Go to SXSW Festival
11. Attend Sundance Festival
12. Perform in a Shakespearean play
13. Give a speech in front of more than 100+ people
14. Host a photography studio showcase displaying personal photos/artistic photos
15. Write a song
16. Write an award winning screenplay


1. Achieve financial freedom (passive stream of income to cover all expenses)
2. Zero personal debt
3. Save 8 months of expenses in an Emergency Fund
4. Pay off credit card debt by 2015
5. Open a Roth IRA [ACHIEVED] – SEPTEMBER 2013
6. Pay off student loans by 2020
7. Buy a house
8. Create a steady stream of passive income
9. Save $5,000
10. Save $10,000
11. Save $25,000
12. Save $50,000
13. Save $100,000
14. Save $500,000
15. Save $1,000,000
16. Create an app
17. Start a company, Artistic Division
18. Invent and patent a new idea
19. Have my own home custom built
20. Be a coach of a youth sports team/JV/Varsity team
21. Production company is successful and reputable


1. Travel to Japan
2. Travel to Australia
3. Travel to New Zealand
4. Travel to Africa (South Africa)
5. Travel to South America (Brazil)
6. Travel to the Caribbean Islands
7. Travel to Latin America
8. Travel to China
9. Revisit Europe
10. Revisit Vietnam
11. Live in a foreign country for one year
12. Go on an African safari
13. Go on a cruise
14. Visit Israel
15. Travel to Peru
16. Visit all 50 states and sleep in each state at least one night

1.Massachusetts – [ACHIEVED] – 1990+
2.New York – [ACHIEVED] – 2012
3.California – [ACHIEVED] – 2009+
4.Washington [ACHIEVED] – 2009+
5.District of Columbia [ACHIEVED] – 2006
6.Florida [ACHIEVED] – 2005

17. Visit Vietnam during Tet Holiday


1. Run a half marathon – [ACHIEVED] – TURKEY TROT. NOV 2013
2. Run a full marathon –  [ACHIEVED] – LA MARATHON. MARCH 9 2014
3. Complete P90X Workout without stopping.
4. Have a set of six-pack abs
5. Be a vegan for a month
6. Achieve flexibility in stretching
7. Single-digit body fat
8. Participate in a triathlon
9. Be an avid rock-climber


1. Meet Kate Winslet
2. Be in the presence of the President of the United States
3. Be in the presence of the Dalai Lama
4. Be in the presence of the Pope
5. Skydive
6. Meditate with a monk
7. Go scuba diving
8. Play in WSOP poker tournament
9. Bungee Jump
10. Go in a hot air balloon
11. Shoot in a gun firing range
12. Go white water rafting
13. Grow my own garden
14. Take archery lessons
15. Attend a presidential inauguration
16. Hook up with a very sexy model
17. Zero gravity weightlessness
18. Attend the Superbowl
19. Attend a World Series game involving the Red Sox
20. Attend Burning Man in Nevada


1. Sponsor a child
2. Sponsor a family
3. Start a non-profit organization for a reputable cause
4. One year of monthly donations (at least $25 minimum a month)
5. Do a random act of kindness, every day, for a full year
6. Volunteer at a hospital
7. Mentor a child – [ACHIEVED] – COACH ART. JAN 2014