Create & Motivate!

im my biggest phan

The Self Starter Guide

What!?! Another website? Another blog? You betcha.

I don’t want to inundate you with countless websites to keep track of but as I said in my previous blog post, I decided to form a new project. It is called the Self Starter Guide and is meant to motivate my readers and to get them to start working on their own projects!

I read a lot of personal development blogs and found that they are so useful in getting me grounded in life. There are so many times when I feel like I am failing and these blogs help reaffirm that I am, like many others, just learning about life as I move along. I want to be an inspiration and source of motivation for others as well and thus the Self Starter Guide was born.

That blog will be updated much more frequently that this one was. There will be three blog posts a week and I know that this will need a lot of my dedication and time. I am more than willing to put myself out there and provide as much experience as I can.

I ask that my readers who have been following me here the past year and half, migrate over to the new page. I’m going to use this blog as a personal blog and will post every so often but the bulk of my content will be on the Self Starter Guide.

Check it out and thank you so much for being so dedicated!



Wow. It has been a while since I last posted in this blog. It is the longest I have gone without posting something and for that, I ask for forgiveness. Then again, these things happen and one shouldn’t be hard on themselves for lingering off path. This is an important lesson to learn because I feel like there is pressure that we feel from time to time to honor expectations. But life happens and sometimes it gets in the way of working on projects. Nonetheless, I am back to write this post because I’m here to inform everyone of a new adventure I am embarking on.

In the past few months, I created my own film and TV production company. It’s my first business and so far it hasn’t taken off, well, because like everything in life it seems, it requires money. But that has not deterred me because I am so aware that a new business takes time to grow and I am willing to wait it out and see what happens. In the meantime, I’ve been working on finishing my first E-Book, which I have decided will also be published in print copy. It should be out at the end of December for everyone to purchase. The funds from this book will help fund my production company.

Aside from film and TV, I am huge into personal development. Although this blog was a step in getting me to write and practice putting my thoughts down, I need a different website to provide personal development tips to a broader audience. I will be creating a new website, similar to many of the other personal development blogs you have seen online that caters to that demographic and audience. I find all of these self-help websites so instrumental in building a community and I highly encourage everyone to read all their blogs as much as possible.

I don’t want to say the name of the website yet but I hope to premiere it in the next few weeks. Along with blogging, I will have a weekly inspirational message video and podcast that I’d like to share with my audience members. It’s going to be basic for now and I know that this will all take time to grow and expand but I am just so ecstatic. It’s great to have a project that you feel passionate about and making this blog is definitely one of them.

My dream is to work from home, earn passive income, and to be able to write and travel at the same time. It is my hope that this can become a reality because going into an office sucks sometimes and I just personally love freedom. It is a luxury that we often take for granted and just the idea of being bound and tied down by the demands of others is just way too strenuous. Being able to live a life where you can have your own set of rules and pattern of work is something I desire immensely.

Here’s hoping that all my fellow readers at this blog will transfer over to my new one once it has premiered. I wanted to provide an update for those of you wondering where I have gone for the time.

Can I Keep A Secret? – No.

Date: 09/07/14
Prompt: Can you keep a secret? Have you ever — intentionally or not — spilled the beans (when you should’ve stayed quiet)?Title: Can I keep a secret? No.


How juicy is your secret? Are you hiding something that could blow my mind? If so, then I freely welcome you to share it with me and I’ll do my best to keep the secret to myself.

The last sentence is a complete lie. I have never been the best at keeping a secret to myself. I tend to use secrets as a way to excel in my conversations with others and provide myself with ammunition with different topics to talk about. Anything that really strengthen or build excitement when talking to another person is a huge asset and unfortunately, it comes at the expense of the person telling me the secret.

However, I’m not a bad person. Yes I have my faults in not being able to keep a secret but my innate philosophy has always been to try to honor another person’s trust. Not all secrets that others tell me get revealed. In fact, personal secrets that could seriously embarrass or ruin a friendship or destroy another person’s career are things that I would not jeopardize. I do not feel the need to tell others those secrets and to cause misfortunes. However, when faced with a secret or piece of gossip that would do no harm if exposed in small talk, I may get carried away and reveal it in the midst of a conversation. I know it’s not the right thing to do, but it can be a fun thing to do because of how much it stirs up the conversation. That said however, I would not reveal the source unless I am reassured that there will not be a potential backlash from it.

There are secrets that need to be revealed if it jeopardizes the safety of the person with the secret or another human being. I have been presented with secrets where the person was seriously injuring themselves and needed professional help. I worked in jobs where people provided me with confidential information where I had to go to my supervisor for assistance. There are times and circumstances where you can legitimately not hold a secret and it is a judgment call on your end to make sure that you do what is right.

Secrets are fun. Getting told a secret is even better. If you do not want to hurt someone, I encourage that you keep their trust and not expose anything at all. However, if you feel revealing secrets here and there wouldn’t hurt either parties, then I say only you can make the call on whether to keep it or not. Everything is a case by case basis and you are the best determinant in that situation.


As many of you know, I work in the television and TV industry, primarily talk shows. I think it’s a great genre but it can get very stressful. There are many different aspects to the show that people outside of the industry do not realize that we have take into account. It’s a lot of balancing different duties and tasks into producing a show. For me, I’ve been more involved in the logistical aspects of the show and making sure it goes smoothly. However I wanted to know, when should you tell people to stop giving you more responsibilities.

I’m currently work on a TV show pilot that has a really positive vibe and energy. People are friendly, laughing and just enjoying each other’s company. When I was brought onto the project, I was given a basic role and did not expect a lot of responsibilities. However as it turns out, they have been giving me more responsibilities and duties, even in roles I never occupied before, in order to make this test show run smoothly. I have to say it’s getting to the point where I’m a bit nervous but still confident I can get things done. The thing is, I am pretty smart and aware of everyone’s necessities. People tend to focus only on their own aspect of the show whereas I have the grand scheme of things in my head pretty organized. However a lot of my job is dependent on final decisions being made and the later it is made, the more difficult it becomes for me and my coordination. My fear is that with all of these responsibilities, if something falls through, due to time constraints, people will look at me and place blame.

I don’t want to give the impression I can’t handle it all. I can and will but its a matter of, when should I start putting pressure on producers to make their final decisions. Also, if someone comes up to me with more additional tasks, how do I kindly turn them down given all the responsibilities I’ve already been given. Luckily I am in good spirits and the work environment is pretty enjoyable to be a part of so it hasn’t been disheartenening or depressing. It’s more of the type of pressure where I do not want anyone to be let down and thus doing all I can to ensure that doesn’t happen.

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